DD: You have presented your artistic work at the Danube Dialogues Festival in Novi Sad twice, for the first time in the art dialogue with Mira Brtka at the Gallery of Foundation Brtka – Kresoja (2013), the second time at Fine Art Gallery Gift Collection of Rajko Mamuzić, as one of the representatives of Austria, in the selection of Vienniese gallerist Thomas Mark (2014). You were the witness and one of the initiators of the cooperation and exchange of exhibitions between Austrian and Serbian artists in Zrenjanin, Novi Sad, Baden and Mödling in the framework of the Danube dialogue “Cooperation extended” (2014). In fact you took active part in all three key ways in which the Danube Dialogues strive to establish a dialogue among artists in this particular region. What do you think of this concept?
FR: First of all I want to thank Vesna Latinović and Sava Stepanov for the invitations to the mentioned exhibitions at the Danube dialogues festival 2013 and 2014 in Novi Sad. I am very proud that I have got the opportunity to show my works together with the very special artist Mira Brtka at the foundation Brtka-Kresoja. I admire Mira Brtka and her work very much.
The catalogue that accompanies the Danube dialogues 2013 and 2014 made it possible to show the works of some Serbian artists in Vienna and it started a dialogue among artist from Serbia and Austria and the cooperation and exchange of exhibitions “235 km / 100 years – Serbian and Austrian artists today”. The highlight with its roots at the Danube dialogues was the great exhibition of Serbian art at the Kuenstlerhaus in Vienna “Premonition / Blood / Hope – Art in Serbia from 1914-2014” curated and organized by Sava Stepanov and Vesna Latinović, Bel Art Gallery and Kuenstlerhaus, Vienna.
Danube Dialogues, in my opinion, is a very important event for developing friendships among artists, art critics, gallerists and audience and giving the Serbian artists a chance to show their works in an international context. The famous art critic and curator Sava Stepanov and the outstanding gallerist and organizer Vesna Latinovic are the grantors of excellent artistic experience.
I am sure that the artists from the Danube region are thrilled to come to Novi Sad and enjoy the hospitality and beautiful atmosphere of these exhibitions, the city and the people from Novi Sad, just as I am. Thank you again!